Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not a great start to 2011, looking back and going forward!

Jan Total = 189.6K

Wanted to be around 300K but due to a bout of Bronchitis the mileage just wasn't there. On a positive note I feel like i am back on track again so I expect to hit 300K in February.

Looking forward to Boston and Sulphur Springs I cam up with a plan during my LSD this morning. Between now and Boston its a 28-32K LSD , a 16-20K 5:30 pace, a weekly tempo for 5-7K at a 4:30 pace and throw in a couple of what ever runs. After Boston I really ramp the mileage doing 2 30-40K LSD a week , forget about the tempo runs , add a couple of 20K runs and then a what ever or two. This should get me ready for both of the big events.

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