Monday, March 7, 2011

Bounus Run

Was scheduled to work at 6:00 am today but when I arrived there was 3 on shift which is normal but not allot going on. I took advantage of having a couple of extra hours and went for a 16K run before 08:00 am.

Its been quite the day , up at 3:45am , and hour in the hot tub, big giant breakfast and then a 90 minute run all before I normally start my day! Its a beautiful winter day and I am thinking about skiing this afternoon.

This morning was a great test of running with food in the tummy. Less then 60 minutes before I ran I had an English Muffin with PB, Oatmeal with Brown Sugar, Grapefruit with Brown Sugar , a large OJ and two Large Coffees. I only had a slight cramp in the lower right abdomen that disappeared as quickly as it started.

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