Saturday, April 30, 2011

5 Peaks Albion Hils almost 1/2 Trail Race

It was with great trepidation that I headed out to Albion Hills this morning for my first ever 5 Peaks Race. The original 21.1K loop couldn't be run due to wet conditions so they put us on a 5.5K loop with 500 other runners. Fortunately I am glad to report that there was no issues what so ever with the course other then it was tougher then I expected. My race plane was to go out around a 5:30 pace to ensure I didn't get stuck behind the Enduro and Sport that started an hour later. I achieved my initial goal getting out before the others but my pace was off a bit at around a 5:50 per K. It wasn't until the second loop that I started to relax a bit and find a comfortable rhythm. Going into the third and final loop I thought I would be able to pick it up a bit but I was only able to maintain slowing slightly. The Garmin reported 19.8km done at an avg 6:01 pace and an elevation change of +931/-911 meters. If I had to award myself a grade it would be a B or perhaps a B-. I ran the entire course only pausing for a moment at 2 aide station stops. I really thought I would have been able to maintain a 5:30 pace but I was off by 30 seconds. All and all it was a good day , great venue , well organized, met lots of RMers and others and had an OK run.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the 5peaks expereince. Fun.

  2. It was a great event. It was nice to get a chance to meet you too.
