Friday, April 29, 2011

Nothing to blog about ...

I did it! Or I should say I didn't do it. I didn't run in the past two days. I felt like I never recovered after Boston. I wasn't doing huge mileage but I was running every day. Sleep was a bit restless and I always felt tired when I started a run so I began to think I was doing too much so I took 2 days off. Now its all about getting ready for Sulphur ... just how does one prepare to run 100 miles! It would be easy to get caught up in trying to log super human distances but how much does it really help. I did DG 120km 23hrs and change last year on more or less the same number of "training miles" as I am doing now so I tell myself that I am ready, sort of! So I am doing my first 5 Peaks Race tomorrow, 21.1K at Albion Hills. I sort of wish I was at PYP but sort of not ...its a tough race and I did have a little injury running it last year. So going forward I am going to run trail , lots of trail. Trail makes me tougher , stronger and is just plain allot more fun. Throw in a couple of road race between now and the end of may and who knows I may actually be successful in Sulphur.

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