Sunday, June 5, 2011

3 Encounters Run

Did the 10.2K "McCormick" loop again today. Little slower but it felt much better today. Usually not much happens in a run but today was a little different ...

1) 2K in I heard cow bells over my music .... looked and there were real cows wearing bells cheering me on!

2) 3K in a dog ran at me...just finished reading about a dog attack before I ran. Yelled at the dog to go home, its ran up and made contact with me with its nose as I yelled at it. I quickly realized it was no threat and then the owner called it off. I yelled back " don't worry he didn't eat me".

3) 4K in I bumped into a running friend from Owen Sound...paused for a few minutes and chatted.

It was a really really nice morning for a run....its going to get hot today so its the pool and beer this afternoon. Summer is great!

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