Sunday, July 3, 2011

Creemore Vertical Challange 50K - July 1, 2011

Yesterday was my 4th consecutive Creemore Race , the 3rd 50K that I have done. I knew it was going to be hot and humid and that it would really slow me down! I managed to do better then last year under tougher conditions so I consider the day to be a success.

The race started an hour earlier this year at 08:00 am. It was already 20C but overcast with not a whole lot of humidity , fairly good conditions to start. My race plan was to run to conditions trying to go out easy but not too fast. I walked the steeper hills and ran the smaller ones. I was really conservative on the downhills. I increased the turnover trying to land mid foot and not breaking. The up hills were more or less the same , short stride with higher turnover and a mid foot strike. I had new Saucony Exodus trail shoes and a different kind of sock, Thorlo Pads. I was really trying not to trash my quads or cause foot problems! The weather cooperated throughout the first loop , it was getting warmer but it didn't factor in too much. Nearing the end of the first loop you go though "Valley". There are a couple of ropes assist ravines that you cross. I knew they were there and I knew to be careful and conservative going though or you would waste a ton of energy! I blew both ravines , almost did a face plant in the stream at the bottom of the second one. I was pissed at myself for being do careless burning off way more energy then required as well as straining my core!!!!! Finished the first loop with around 2hrs45 mins on the Garmin. I was pleased with this time and if mother nature cooperated I really thought I had a crack at a Creemore PB finishing under 5hrs46min. Heading back out for my second loop I felt great, the legs were 100% but the temps were really beginning to climb and the Sun was shinning bright. After running a k or 2 along the mad river you turn onto the highway then a gravel road with full exposure. The long relatively easy climb up the gravel hill was allot warmer then the first time. Walked the steeper part of the hill then ran down to aide station #1. The heat was now really catching up to me. I grabbed a baggie of ice , had a glass of Head, Ginger Ale and Coke and filled up my water bottle with Ice and Water. I was well hydrated, doing enough liquid and gel calories and was increasing the intake of the Eload Zone Caps. All of the important things were managed OK but there was nothing I could do about the heat except slow down. When I was in the shade or going downhill I was still running but when I was exposed it was just too hot and I mostly walk the flats and uphills. With 11K to go there is a gradual climb up a gravel road leading to the hill know as "02". I walked Nearly 2k all the way to the top of O2. Last year I really blew up going up this steep section stopping twice burning more then 5 minutes. This year I was able to make up relatively unscathed so I felt quite positive with 9K remaining. At the top of 02 you turn onto a gravel rd heading to aide station 3 , about 1K of rolling to flat rd. I so wanted to run this but every time I got going I would stop and walk the run. I was frustrated because the legs felt great but it was all about managing the body temperature running in the nearly 30C heat! There was one more big climb to " Top Hill" then you turn onto a flat gravel rd for a K or 2 before beginning the decent back the start. Again , I was fully exposed and tried to run but was too hot. I did however manage a sub 10min walk and felt like I was recovering a bit setting my self up to for a strong finish through "Valley". Turning off the gravel road you run through a farmers field on the North side of the tree line ... shade ...ah beautiful shade. I was able to run though the field into the forest and across the swamp before beginning the short climb that would take me to the long gentle downhill known as "Hill 1" logging a 6min K. Heading into final couple of Ks after descending the last hill you head though an open filed with long grass. You drop for a few hundred meters then climb out before heading into the forest. The temperature in this area was staggering , I wanted to walk but couldn't, it felt like an oven and the only cooling was by slicing through the blast furnace. Heading into the final K the 2 ravine crossing were ahead. It was great to be out of the sun and I was determined to to a better job of the crossings. Made it through much better this time but I was spent. I felt very dizzy and was starting to see stars but the end was near. I managed to recover enough to run to the finish with a Garmin time of 6hrs25min. It felt great to be done, unlike last year I only gave up a few positions in the last 10K. I wasn't the only one suffering. The new shoes and socks were fantastic , no blisters. My legs felt great , no pain at all! After crossing the finish I sat down and elevated my legs. When I sat up I almost passed out and had to remain with my legs elevated for nearly 30 minutes. After a bit of reset , beer , pizza and some ice water I was felt much better and headed home.


  1. Another tough one for sure, way to go.

  2. Well done Ron.
    The heat at creemore is such a killer.
    Its funny your report this year could have been my report from last year.
    Hopefully we will cya at limberlost

  3. Rick D. (AirForceRunner)July 5, 2011 at 10:23 AM

    Glad to finally read this report. I've been lurking you site daily. And stoked you didn't face the problems you faced last year. You looked super strong when we crossed paths and shook hands on the course. Nice work!!

  4. Rick D. (AirForceRunner)July 5, 2011 at 10:23 AM

    Glad to finally read this report. I've been lurking you site daily. And stoked you didn't face the problems you faced last year. You looked super strong when we crossed paths and shook hands on the course. Nice work!!

  5. Tough day out there... so glad i'm a short courser when you mention ovens and such. Our man Grant did well eh?

  6. Great stuff WGR. Very intelligent race. When Wandy succumbed to heat at 2:30 into the 25K, I thought that medical was in for a long day. Way to keep upright until the finish! Would have loved to chat with more runners, but it was a busy day. Next year will be less frenzied for me and cooler for the runners!

  7. Great job in tough weather and on a tough course. I did this one and it was humbing. It was my 1st 50k trail run. I was on a high after the 1st lap but hit rock bottom about 15k into the 2nd lap. The 2nd lap took me an extra 1 hour and forty minutes! By the end I was bonking and dehydrated.
