Thursday, June 17, 2021

Celebratory Run

 It happened ,  a new AG turning 60 this week.  With two successful 4 hour / 22km runs in the past 2 weeks I decided I would run 60 laps / 48 km on the backyard trail.   

 Started at 8am logging my first 12 laps with Dax.  It was super cool but comfortable running starting the day in the high single digits.   Took Dax back to the house a little after 10 and meet Patrick.   He joined me for 7 laps,   he had a special guest arriving at 11:30 so it was back to the house again.   Gary arrived with Wine and Donuts ( Patrick brought wine too ).   Sat on the pool deck chatting it up over wine and donuts until they left around 1:30 pm.    Grant was going too join me but messaged that he couldn't make it so I headed back out just before 2 logging another 24 laps.    I only had water on the loop and was in need of some nutrition so around 5 I headed back to the house and had grilled cheese with tomato soup.   The intention was to head back out at 6 completing another 12 laps minimum getting me past the 42.2 km mark.   Suited up and headed up the hill around 6:15  then I thought ...NAH!   There was a ball game coming on and hockey a wee nit later.   So I bailed on my 60 for 60 theme and called it a day.  

Logged 42 laps / 33.4 km my longest run since last September.    I am a wee but disappointed but with nothing on the race calendar until September now its no big deal...I am heading in the right direction!   

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