Thursday, September 1, 2022

Summer Summary - June/July/August

 June - 178.2 km

 July - 204 km

August - 227.1 km 

YTD - 1312.2 km 

 Running lots of races this summer almost the same as before covid.  In June there was 1 race the 50 km ish Pure Grit looping the Hepworth cross country ski trails.   There were 2 races in July ,  the 21.1 Summit 700 at Blue Mountain.   The ski hills were a blast ,  I really got into the run totally enjoying flying down the ski hills.  Next up at the end of July was my Talley in the Valley 24 hour race.  Talley was only a week before the Endur ultimate so I wasn't planning on going the full 24 aiming at a minimum of 50 km perhaps going a wee bit longer.   Went a around 13 hours logging 70 km my longest run in many years.    I really enjoyed going long and was moving  well through 60 km.  The last lap was done in the dark and I really lost interest to I called it a day heading home.   Augusts highlight was the Endur Ultimate.   Had a blast ,  loved the event although I was much slower then the previous years.  Plan on planning next years race calendar to try to  prep for Endur in a more appropriate way ... run faster LOL.    

 September is another great month with 3 consecutive weekends of events.  

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