Monday, June 5, 2023

The Great Mansfield 50 km Trail Race - Saturday June 3, 2023

  First and quiet possible only 50 km Ultra is in the books after running the inaugural " Great Mansfield " race.   Top marks go to the course layout ,  stunningly beautiful and no crazy  elevation coming in somewhere around +/- 1000 meters.    Race day started the usual way with coffee in the hot tub then picking up a Tim's breakfast in Markdale.   It was a pretty quiet start  the 50 was sold out but I figured it must have been capped around 50 as it was a small field and I was OK with that.  I looked at the course layout ahead of time the first 4-5 K were in Mansfield covering allot of the old Dirty Girls course.   I went out slow but it was way harder then it should have been.   HR was almost instantly in the 130's and the first hour of Ks were in the 10 minute range I had all kinds of doubt.  Once we got out of Mansfield and headed out on the big loop things settled down and it got easier but there was a long way to go.   The temps at start were 16C and for the first couple of hours they more or less stayed there although there was zero air movement in the forest.  Finished up the first 25K loop around 3.5 hours feeling pretty good ,  better then the start.   Temps were getting warmer so just past the start/finish I paused and took off my shirt.   That helped with cooling with the ever increasing temperatures.   Finishing the first loop is always a mental boost ,   more behind you then ahead of you with every foot fall.    All though the race I did well with hydration and nutrition.   Brough in my max H2O at around 700 ml/hour.   Went through 7 gels and 7 s caps.   Never felt like I needed more fluid I felt hydrated.   Picked things up a bit past 35K turning some 7:30 +/- Ks it kind of surprised me.   With about 5K to go I was beginning to slow down and the heat was catching up with me.  It was never warmer then the mid 20s but the elevation was all in the start as well as finish of the 25 K loop so that started to add up.  Finished in 7hours25minutes40seconds  about what I expected to do.    The swag was pretty good in addition to the socks and shirt at the beginning I got a Beer ,  Mug as well as a finishers medal.    This is now must do local race I hope they are successful at building the event and I strongly suspect that they will.   

  Splits 1:43:50, 1:45:46, 1:59:05 and 1:57:09

1K Splits 

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