Tuesday, August 1, 2023

6 Hour Talley in the Valley Trail Race - Sunday July 30, 2023

 6 X 7 km loops were done logging 42 km in 5h41m on Sunday July 30th.   Finished 17th out of 51 folks lining up for the 6 hour. 

 My goal was to get at least 6 laps logging 42 km.    Each lap has an easy 2K of rail trail.  I decided to turn at least 1km @ 6:00 pace every lap.  1st 4 laps I got my 6:00 pace in then in the 5th I started but it felt like more effort then it should have been to I backed off not wanting to establish my 2023 Max HR LOL!    Temps were OK for a July race it could have been way warmer so we got a wee bit lucky.  I did a get on laps , 2,3, 4 and 5.   Did an S cap on laps 3,4,5 and 6.  Averaged around 600 to 700 ml of water /lap.   I stayed reasonably hydrated but fell behind on calories a bit could have used a couple of more gels.   I too it super easy on the last lap ,   I was tired and I was satisfied with what I had done.   

7K Splits 

52:40, 52:19, 53:08, 55:41, 1:00:03 and 1:06:41.  

 Legs were sore pretty much the whole race.  Nothing crazy just felt sore it was probably just a lactic acid buildup after the " sprints" on the rail trail.   If anything I have learned that its a good idea to do some speed work now and again.   The treadmill has been all 6:00 pace for a few months now however I haven't been very successful at taking that pace outside.   A few lessons were learned ,  well relearned on Sunday.   I really wanted the 6:00 pace to be my go to in most races at Endur in a couple of weeks.   The Full Marathon,  Trail and Alpine will all be slower!   

 Up next ...the Endur Ultimate in 2 weeks.   

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