Sunday, August 13, 2023

Endur Run - Stage 1 - 1/2 Marathon

 Endur Run has begun doing the 1/2 Marathon this morning.    A goal was a 6:00 pace I was going to watch my garmins pace but opted to do it by feel instead.  Aimed for a "moderate" pace keeping an eye on the HR.   The course was a 7K loop,  first loop the HR was low 130's ,   next loop high 130's to low 140's and the final loop high 140's to low 150's.   Its not like I gave it my all and didnt leave anything out there but it certainly wasnt an all out 100% effort.  

My official time was 2h14m14s good for 37 out of 49 finishers and my average pace was 6m22s/km.  It was fun catching up with everyone this is the 5th time I have done the Ultimate and the majority of participants are alumni.   I am a little tired ,   and have a little pain in my quads so its time to rest ,  eat and  hydrate ahead of tomorrows 16K time trial.

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