Monday, August 14, 2023

Endur Run - Stage 2 - 15K Time Trail

 It went better then expected.  Felt pretty tired yesterday and this morning.  Strangely enough that usually a sign that I am going to have a good day.   Being 6K shorter today my A gaol was a 6:00 pace B 6:30 pace and C I got it done before the cutoff LOL.    My official time was 1h29m27s good for a 5:58 pace.   I decided right from the get go to pace by feel not paying any attention to my Garmin other then the 1K splits.  First K was 6:30 ish I figured that would be the sort of the way things would go.   I started turning some 4:46 Ks and decided to real it in a bit after all it was early in the race aiming for 6:00's.    It was a slightly greater effort then yesterdays 1/2 once again the weather was really nice for a summer run starting in the high teens and ending in the low 20's.   I feel better then after yesterdays run although a wee bit tired .    Tomorrow its the 30K Trail at Shades Mills I am looking forward to slowing things down!   

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