Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Endur Stage 3 - 30K Cross Country

 Stage 3 is complete,  it was wet raining half the race and it was quite muddy and a wee bit slippery...very fitting for a X Country event.   Finished 30th out of 42 participants in 3h41m53 seconds good for an average 7:24 pace.  I was aiming for a 7:30 pace so I am happy with my result today.   Ran shirt and vest free opting for AS water and 2 cliff blocks at the Start/Finish at the end of each of the 6 5K laps.   Average HR was 136 BPM but I did get up to 165 to 171 a few times.  171 would be my max but I am leaning more to believe its closer to 165.   I was wet the whole race.   I used some extra trail toes and body glide anticipating the wet weather.    Running in shorts and a ball cap cut down on any chance of chaffing and I am please to say it was a good strategy ,   no blisters either!  I never really fell off pace more or less holding it steady throughout the race.   There was pain in the quads again ,  nothing crazy just noticiable.   Its probably just a wee bit of a lactic acid buildup as a result of not training for these longer constant runs.  I was happy to get 3 laps in then it was all about getting to the 6th and final lap.     All and all a pretty decent run and as is always it was great hanging out with everyone after the race.   

It wasnt a good day for the Garmins GPS.   Lloyd is a stickler for accurate course measurements so I am quite sure we ran 30K today.

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