Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Wise Raven 6 Hour Trail Race

 Returned to Camp Heidelberg's 2.5 km trail loop doing the Wise Raven 6 hour event.  I wasn't super into the race and treated it as just a good long run.   The weather was rather nasty,  too warm for running pants but too cold for shorts add a bit of rain and some gusty cold winds...not my ideal running conditions .  I was going to set up my Aid Station/Chair on the loop but opted to go slightly off course setting up inside.   Instead of gels I opted to take a lunch break half way downing a G and a Pastrami on Rye Sandwich.    Only drank 500ml of water in the first 3 hours ,  a G at lunch then that was it until the race was over.     Started the first loop with running pants,  stopped and took then off after one loop.   At lunch I changed into a dry T and switched shells.  With 1 loop to go I changed into my pants and swapped out the wet shirt for a dry one then just walked the last 2.5 K not wanting to sweat again!  It was a fun event seeing allot of the Endur folks + lots of other running peeps.   I am glad I did it  I was happy to get a long run in and the easy pace with breaks made for a quick recovery with no ill affects the next couple of days after the run. 

1 comment:

  1. Tremendous run in that awkward temperature range. Lots of elevation there.
