Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Been on Vacation

 After Chile I headed to BC for 4 days of Skiing at Whistler.    I never run on ski trips the days are full of 8+ hours on the slopes.  Running and Alpine Skiing compliment each other!  

Fit one run in ahead of Whistler logging 4.8 km on the backyard trail with Dax on March 4th. 

Returned from the Ski trip March 10.   On the 11th I was driving by work heading  to Hanover so I stopped in APK and logged a 5K @ 6:00 pace.  

March 12 it was another 5 laps / 4.8 km on the backyard trail. 

Today Macrh 13 marks my return to work logging another 5K @ 6:00 pace on my meal break.   I was a little tired getting home at 1:30 am after attending a Dandy Warhols concert in Toronto.  

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