Monday, March 4, 2024

Thurs Feb 29 , Friday March 1 and Saturday March 2

 Headed to Mannys place for a BBQ in San Fernando, Chile.   It was a short trip but I managed to get 5 short runs in.   

When we arrived Thursday in spite of being super tired Patrick and I managed to pull off a 5K running through the fruit tress and vegie farms...temp was a very warm 33C.  

Friday before noon we got a 6K run in ,  temps were in the low 20's so it was much more manageable.   After the run we spent time under the grape covered pergola having lunch and a few Crevasses.   Late in the afternoon we did a second run logging a 5K with temps in the low 30's again.  

Saturday was a repeat of Friday  a 6K in the am and a 5K in the pm just before we headed to Santiago having an early morning flight back home on Sunday. 

More photos to follow ....

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