Friday, June 28, 2024

More Trail

 Dax was  a little slower today but he made it through 5 laps logging 4.8 k on the backyard trail. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rail Trail

 Hit the rail trail in Markdale today logging a 10.1 km run.  its basically flat ,  the idea is to turn 6:00 Ks ...Endur training.  Strated great ,  had some GI issues at the turnaround.  It was hot going out ,  23C / Humid with a light breeze at my back ... no cooling.  Deer Flys were!  Coming back I was into a wee breeze making it better,  turned a couple of goal Ks.    

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024

Back to work ...Monday

 No run through the weekend ... was busy!  5K @ 6:00 pace this evening on my meal break. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

A little extra!

 Planned on another run but opted to walk adding a 5lb weight in each hand.   Logged 3K walk today. 

Two Run Thursday

 Packed up the cooler and grabbed the tunes then headed to the backyard trail for a steamy 4.8 km run followed by a hammock session.   Settled into a slow pace and actually enjoyed running in the heat ... blood must be thinning!   

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Niagara Ultra 50K - June 15, 2024


Paced Raj to his 1st Ultra on Saturday.   Heading out I figured I  would have to keep him from going too fast figured it would be around a 6:00 pace.  Didn't have to do a thing he was more around a 7:00 pace so all was good.  Nailed the race plan ,  500 ml of water between each 5K aid station and a too starting at the 2nd ( 10K ) aid station.  Only did 1 S Cap in the last segment of the race.   I paced  by heart rate ,  120's through the first 10+ Ks then after the Queenston/Lewiston  climb 130's to the Falls then low 140's all the way back.  More or less stuck to it with recovery on the last 5Ks as we slowed more back into the 130's again.  All the way out my right foot cramped a bit .  It was a wee bit painful at times I tried to roll off the toe for a massage as compared to a flat foot take off it seemed to help and coming back I really didn't notice it much.   Right hip flared up for a few K before the big climb.   It too went away as the day progressed.   Raj avoided the " death march " and hung in there running all the way minus a few hill walks.   I was happy with the time ,   goal was to get it under 7 hours and I did finishing in 6:25:52.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Its all about Niagara prep  this week logging a 3K walk on my meal break. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Busy day at home doing a ton of yard work including pushing a lawnmower around for 5+ K's...lawn tractor repair pending!   Logged a 3K walk tonight on my meal break.   

Monday, June 10, 2024

Lunch Run

 5K @ 6:00 pace this eve on my meal break. 

Funny Week

Had a couple of blow out runs last week  the last one wasn't so bad practicing my Niagara pace. 

Wednesday June 5

Friday June 7

Saturday June 8 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lunch Run

 Last lunch run of the week was done logging yet another 5 km @ 6:00 pace.  

Weigh in - 179 lbs ... heading the right direction. 

Two Run Monday - 5 Laps

 4.8 km / 5 laps on the backyard trail after work yesterday and of course it was followed by a hammock session. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

May Summary

 One race ,  Pure Grit 25K and a trip around BV were the highlights of the month.   Was hopping to add a we bit more volume but only managed 10K more then April.  

May Total = 168.4 km ,  23 Runs  ( May 2023 202 km, YTD May 2023  835 km )

        Treadmill 19 X  = 107.5 km

        Trail   4 X =  60.9 km 

        Rest 8 X 

YTD 623.6 km 

Lazy Lunch

 Feeling pretty good after yesterdays 1/2 ,  good enough to run but feeling a bit tired I decided on a nice relaxing 5K walk on my meal break today.  

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Huron Shores Rotary 1/2 - Saturday June 1, 2024

 Ran the Huron Shores 1/2 today in 2:11:41.  It wasn't easy but it was a constant run getting slower towards the last few Ks as the HR rose to within a half dozen or so seconds of Max.  I had a super busy week ,  a wee bit stressful to leading up to the race.   That played a bit however I really do need to respect this distance a wee bit more when it comes to hydration, electrolytes and somewhat fuel.    The next time I run the 1/2 is at Blue ,  a different beast all together, I am going to make sure right from the get go I get 700ml/hour of water and depending on how I am feeling and the conditions add some electrolytes and fuel.   The last 1/2 I did was the opening of the Edur Ultimate last year ,  looking back I had similar results with  similar data running this one in 2:14:14.   So yeah ...need to respect the distance.    

 Ran with Raj today he has been doing his homework getting ready for Niagara.   More or less paced him trying to turn as many 6:00 Ks as possible are our splits . 

Held the heart rate in the 130's through the first 10K then in the next 10 let it slide to the 140s up to 150 but not any higher.  Max is mid 160's hit 163 in the last couple of Ks so yeah I was maxed out.   

It was a steady rise in HR right from the get go the drop at 156 has to be false we never stopped.  It really did feel harder then it should have been I didn't expect to breeze through the run perhaps its just that I usually run slow taxing myself going long vs constant running at a moderate speed.   

My cadence really slowed as my HR rose...


So it was a good long run ,  somewhat humbling but its done and so am I.    After the race they hosted the awards in the arena.    The entry included a meal ,   had Pulled Pork on a Bun with a side of Coleslaw and washed it all down with a Beer...very nice!  

Mid Week Trail - 12 laps!

 Wed May 29 I logged 12 laps on the backyard trail good for 10.4 km.   Haven't ran that far back there in a long time.  My right foot acted up 10 laps in ,  a cramp of sorts very painful just like when I am skiing.  took my shoe off ,  massaged the foot for a few minutes then good to go!   And of course I managed a Hammock Session after the run.