Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Endur Stage 3 - 30K Trail Run


Had a good day yesterday ,  approached it as a nice lazy little 30K trail run.  Mentally easy ...yes,  physically easy ,  not so much more  a moderate effort.  Had a slightly negative split....

Nailed the hydration and nutrition.  It was 6 laps ,  each lap I grabbed a GU Gel and a 500ml bottle of water.  Did a run walk to the aid station on the loop then disposed of the bottle and GU pack.   

I went out easy intentionally.  Heat came on in the last hour otherwise it was a pretty comfortable day.   Finished 22nd out of 34 starters ,  official time was 3:50:17 yielding a 7:41  pace.   My go to trail race pace is usually 7:30 so I am quiet please  with the 7:41 based on the easy start and moderate finish.  

Unfortunately we dropped 4  participants from the Ultra ,  2 DNS's and 2 DNFs.   Hopefully the still come out as guest runners.  

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