Monday, April 12, 2010

Running in Cuba

April 9

11.1K Cayo Coco Cuba Beach Run today. I was a little hung over when I started at 07:45 am…not good to be dehydrated at the start of a tropical Run. The Sun was already up and it was humid and at least 24 or 25C. Initially I ran through the resort to get oriented then I hit the beach. Heading out the Sun was in my face and so was the breeze. 4+K in I decided to head back and when I turned around the Sun and breeze were at my back. I felt almost no breeze, man it was hot. I didn’t have all that long to go but it was really really hot. I wanted to go longer but that was it …I was done!

April 10

25.2K Run today, going long ..or at least trying too was the flavour of the day! I was up long before the Sun, a quick Coffee then I was off into the start of twilight on the beach at 6:18 am. Did the first 12 K on the Beach. Tide was high so there wasn’t allot of firm sand to run on. I raced two cruise ships that were about 20-30K offshore. They brightly lit and look like floating apartment buildings. When the Sun was above the horizon I hit the resort for the second half of my run. It was allot easier running on the cobblestone walkways and I was able to pick up the pace. Heat was a factor, the resort loop was 80% shaded and there was a good breeze but the heat made for a rather slow pace. When I hit 25K I had had enough! Finished the run at the Lobby Bar, lined up a shot of Rum, Beer and a glass of Water. The rest of the day was spent at the pool…great recovery.

April 11

10K done was going to make it a rest day but I settled for a short one instead. I couldn’t run the Beach this morning. High Winds made for some big Waves, combined with the high tide there wasn’t any firm sand to run on. Did the 1.6K loop around the resort again. Recovered with a dip in the pool and then dried off in the morning Sun before heading to Breakfast.

And after a mornigns run its a day at the......

1 comment:

  1. Double BellybusterApril 15, 2010 at 3:06 PM

    For those of us who have found your blog from your Running Mania posts Ron, but don't know you personally, why do you manage to walk up in Cuba a good many of your mornings? Sounds like a hoot.

