Monday, October 18, 2010

Lunch Run

Registered for Boston this morning! It took 5 attempts before it worked but it was worth the effort as they are over the 10K mark already. At least I will be running instead of cheering because I purchased the Air tickets and booked a Hotel two weeks ago!

Did a 5K run at a 5:30 pace on the treadmill at lunch today. Left knee and right ankle complained a little but a whole lot quieter then in the past few weeks. Time for some easy relaxed running to give the body a chance to repair its self.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff gettin in!
    Bevin Stevenson wife had to try 13times before she got him in.
    If you get a chance talk to him about the importance of booking travel/hotels nowas his wife Lisa tells me he thinks it will be no trouble oh the week beforehand. He has no idea and will not listen to her. HHAHAHHA
