Saturday, October 16, 2010

Vulture Bait 50K

After doing 44K on the Bruce Trail Tuesday I did the Vulture Bait 50K Ultra today. This was my best Ultra performance of the year just a few minutes short of a PB. I wasn't really planning on doing two long runs this week and I am sure that it had a small impact on my results but irregardless I was pleased with my time and the way that I ran the race.

Race day start was very routine, I could do a cut paste from just about any other race report. The weather was rather spectacular Sunny morning with a cool 4C temp but almost no breeze. They were calling for a 15C high so I was confident that I would be comfortable in a Tech T and Shorts. Prior to the race start I found a comfortable quiet spot away from the crowds.

Race start was a bit slow with all 300 of us heading off. I never get hung up about that sort of thing because there was lots of Ks ahead to make adjustments. It only took a few Ks before things spread out and I was running my own pace. First 5K had lots of roads and tractor trails. On the roads I was running upright and relaxed at around my 5:00 Marathon Pace , on the trails I would hunch down into the defensive position dropping to a 6:00 pace. My goal was to get through the first 25K loop in 2hrs30min. I tried to leave lots of distance between when ever I was tailing someone. If the gap closed I quickly passed. I find that if I am following someone that I watch their feet more then the trail which was not a good idea with lots of leaves covering the roots and rocks. I didn't have quite enough Gels or Eload to get through the day and held off until 17K before I did a Gel , at 20K it was 3 eload caps and 500mg of table salt! At the last aide station , 22K in I found out that they had Gels available so every aide station for the last 28K I did a Gel , Cup of Water and a Coke. Finished the first loop in 2hrs32min and avg 6:01 pace ...close enough to my target but I was starting to fade a bit and knew it wasn't going to be a Sub 5 hour day. Heading out my goal was to break 5hrs15min , doing the math it worked out to a 2hr13min loop. Heading back out reset the Garmins Lap Counter , it was now a 25K run with a new goal! The first road section it became apparent that I would be slowing it down 30sec/K ... playing the fade! The numbers didn't quite work out to a 5:15 but with 23K to go I knew I should be close as long as I didn't blow up. When I was running my legs felt pretty good but at the 5K aide station I walked up a long hill while gelling and drinking and the legs were really burning. When I started running again the pain would subside. I also felt like I had to urinate but I decided that the discomfort was a motivating pain that kept me moving along. I also didn't want to tale the time to stop , things just don't work normally and "going" takes too much time! I kept moving along pretty good on through the final 20K. Crunch time came at the last aide station. With 3K remaining I quickly downed a Coke and Water and skipped the Gel. I figured I still had a shot at a Sub 5:15 and really tried to pick it up. Last 3Ks were done at a 5:30 pace , crossed the line with the clock ticking past 5:16. Garmin time of the second loop was 2hrs43min , 11mins slower then the first loop for an average pace of 6:28/K.

This was the best 50K Trail Ultra result of 2010. In spite of falling a little short of my goal I considered the run a successful end to the Ultra season. I am now going to take a little time off racing and will concentrate on "easy" runs around home maintaining my current fitness level.


  1. good stuff!! sounds like you pushed through very well in that last loop. good way to end the season. :)

  2. Hi Ron,
    It was great to meet you at the VB.
