Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On the Bruce Trail with Henri

Hung in with Henri on his Bruce Trail odyssey for a 44K trail run ...not exactly LSD style. Considering Henri has been running for over a week and logged some 350+km running 50+km a day. Believe or not I honestly had a tough time keeping up with him. He was moving like it was his first day after a season of training and a well executed taper. Started in Eugenia and headed towards the back of Blue Mountain. The weather was just about perfect and the scenery was spectacular to incredibly spectacular. Lots of cool rock formations all kinds of sweeping views of Georgian Bay. Diane met us at just about ever road crossing. They have the logistics of the run nailed down. The Van was full of everything required , it was a mobile aide station. Dressing for comfort on the trail was quite variable. At times it was Hat , Shell over long sleeve tech T , Gloves and of course Shorts . Depending on Wind Sun and whether we were going Up/Down or on a tough technical section it was gloves on/off , hat on/off and Shell on/off. As is usual I over heated and got a little dehydrated. When I dialed in after a few hours I started drinking allot more and wearing allot less. The last 7 K were tough , I had been eating at all stops but it wasn't enough and the lack of carbs were starting to affect me. It wasn't real bad but it did make for a tougher last hour. I have no doubt that Henri is going to be successful in his attempt . I would like to join him again but I need a rest first!

Henri's Blog http://endtoendfootbyfoot.blogspot.com/

Henri and I at around 09:00 am at Eugenia

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