Saturday, April 2, 2011

OUS Spring Warm Up

It was a fantastic start to the OUS 2011 series today. The weather was perfect and Pierre the RD had another treat in store for us today. The event was staged from the Dunedin Community Center and yes there were Hills with very few annoying flat sections!

The race started with a 2.5K uphill on a quiet country road, not particularly steep but never ending!

5K into the 13K loop we dove into the Bruce Trail and it was amazing. It was a 50/50 mix of snow covered and clear sections. First time though the loop the snow was hard packed as a result of a cold night but things softened up significantly as the day progressed.

The day was really relaxed and there was lots of time for chatting and clowning around.

I logged my fastest ever K at an OUS event. The last K of the day the day was done in 4min18sec.

I manged to do 2 loops logging 26K in 3hr33min. I was going to head out for a partial 3rd loop but decided that I had met my goal of a 3-4 hour run so I called it a day.

Afterwards we gathered in the upper part of the Community Center and had a feat of Soup and Pizza as well as some Wine and of course Creemore Beer on tap. I was extremely please to walk away with a jug of Creemore's finest Maple Syrup.


  1. "50/50 mix of snow covered and clear sections"
    Umm I think we were running on different secontions of the bruce trail cause in the run I did today it was more like 15/85.

  2. You captured the day well, WGR. Love that downhill! 50/50, 15/85, giggles.... need a phone app to track snow. lol
