Friday, August 16, 2024

Endur Stage 5 - 25.6K Alpine Run


We returned to Baden today the rain held off much so Bechtel was out!   Its a great 2.6K loop done 11 times.  Overall elevation was somewhere around 1,100 meters.  Its a great single track only a couple of technical sections ,  two big climbs and one very fast half K or so drop at the end.  At the last minute I grabbed a hand held water bottle.   Planned to drink  2 liters/4 hours but I goofed and it ended up around 1.5 liters.   A wee bit light on the hydration.  Managed 3 gels and 4 s caps.  The run went well,  just a little slower then I expected.  My finish time was 3:53:07 yielding and average 9:06 pace good for 20th place out of 30 participants.  


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