Monday, August 12, 2024

Endur Stage 2 - 15K Time Trail


 Stage 2 was an OK day.  I really tried for a 6:00 pace but fell a wee bit short coming in at 6:03 pace according to the official results.  I finished 22nd out of 34 participants in 1:30:51.   Going out off the start I was breathing like a fish out of water.   After a K I settled in trying to slightly sub 6:00 Ks.  I was feeling good through 5K until after the 7K turnaround.   Around the 8K mark we were running beside a buy road and somewhat exposed.  I got a wee bit hot and a few Ks later noticed the heart rate starting to push into the 150's so I reeled it in a bit heading back into the forest trail.   So yeah ,   another decent day doing what I am capeable of I have nothing to complain about.  One thing I noticed looking at the results is may cadence really picked up over yesterdays 1/2.   Endur is the yearly event where I learn how to run again!  

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