Saturday, August 31, 2024

Back at it!

On vacation ,  busy but fit in a couple of 5Ks at Sauble to round off August,  one Thursday and one today Saturday.  

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lazy running week

 Talk about go from one extreme to the other ,  last week 160 km ,  this week 10 and 5 of it was a walk this evening.   It was just a busy week with lots going on both at home and work.  Next week will be a little better ended this past one with a walk on the treadmill at work logging 5 km. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

back to work

 5K @ 6:00 pace today on the treadmill.  First run since Endur ,  felt ridiculously fast! 

Weigh in ,  176 lbs ,  a year low... thanks 4K+ calorie burn a day aka Endur.; 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Endur Stage 7 = Full Marathon

 That a wrap on the 2024 Endur Ultimate event.   Ran a great marathon to wrap it up,  allbeit and easy pace even getting a negative split

It was 5 laps of an 8+k loop.  The weather wasn't too bad ,  super humid at the start getting better a we went along.  

I took an S Cap gelled and drank 500 ml of water heading out on each loop more or less walking 400 meters.   I also took one cup of water at the 5K aid station on the way back.   Felt like I had enough of the base needs.    There was a couple of small hills in the last K I walked them just as a break from the constant running.    Heart rate was reasonable.   I could have pushed it more but I wasnt trying for a specific time just wanting to keep it under 5 hours. 

Cadence was pretty consistent with the exception of picking it up a bit at the end of the race. 

I finished 24th out of 40 participants in an official time of 4:56:57.  

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Endur Stage 6 - 10K Track Race

 Track race is done ,  cruised it trying for a 6:00 pace.  Heart rate was in check,  low 140s and holding steady.  It felt a wee bit warm with the high humidity.   Came in 22nd out of 30 participants with a time of 1:00:53 yielding 6:05 pace.  

Friday, August 16, 2024

Endur Stage 5 - 25.6K Alpine Run


We returned to Baden today the rain held off much so Bechtel was out!   Its a great 2.6K loop done 11 times.  Overall elevation was somewhere around 1,100 meters.  Its a great single track only a couple of technical sections ,  two big climbs and one very fast half K or so drop at the end.  At the last minute I grabbed a hand held water bottle.   Planned to drink  2 liters/4 hours but I goofed and it ended up around 1.5 liters.   A wee bit light on the hydration.  Managed 3 gels and 4 s caps.  The run went well,  just a little slower then I expected.  My finish time was 3:53:07 yielding and average 9:06 pace good for 20th place out of 30 participants.  


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Endur Stage 4 - 10 Mile Hill Run


Thats a wrap on stage 4.  Had an OK run ,  negative split finishing 24 out of 33 participants that started in 1:54:56 yielding an average 7:08 pace.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Endur Stage 3 - 30K Trail Run


Had a good day yesterday ,  approached it as a nice lazy little 30K trail run.  Mentally easy ...yes,  physically easy ,  not so much more  a moderate effort.  Had a slightly negative split....

Nailed the hydration and nutrition.  It was 6 laps ,  each lap I grabbed a GU Gel and a 500ml bottle of water.  Did a run walk to the aid station on the loop then disposed of the bottle and GU pack.   

I went out easy intentionally.  Heat came on in the last hour otherwise it was a pretty comfortable day.   Finished 22nd out of 34 starters ,  official time was 3:50:17 yielding a 7:41  pace.   My go to trail race pace is usually 7:30 so I am quiet please  with the 7:41 based on the easy start and moderate finish.  

Unfortunately we dropped 4  participants from the Ultra ,  2 DNS's and 2 DNFs.   Hopefully the still come out as guest runners.  

Monday, August 12, 2024

Endur Stage 2 - 15K Time Trail


 Stage 2 was an OK day.  I really tried for a 6:00 pace but fell a wee bit short coming in at 6:03 pace according to the official results.  I finished 22nd out of 34 participants in 1:30:51.   Going out off the start I was breathing like a fish out of water.   After a K I settled in trying to slightly sub 6:00 Ks.  I was feeling good through 5K until after the 7K turnaround.   Around the 8K mark we were running beside a buy road and somewhat exposed.  I got a wee bit hot and a few Ks later noticed the heart rate starting to push into the 150's so I reeled it in a bit heading back into the forest trail.   So yeah ,   another decent day doing what I am capeable of I have nothing to complain about.  One thing I noticed looking at the results is may cadence really picked up over yesterdays 1/2.   Endur is the yearly event where I learn how to run again!  

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 That was fun , more or less the same as last year just a couple of minutes slower.  I really didnt know what to expect today after the week I had.  Went to bed a 8:00 pm with the alarm set for 4:40 am.   Slept well plus its been 2 days of antibiotics so I woke up feeling like a new man.   It was a pretty simple plan,   run a bunch of 6:00 Ks and see what happens.  Reeled it in a bit on the last of 3 laps when I caught the heart rate rise into the 150s.   Cant sustain 150's last few Ks are OK but otherwise 140's.  Right foot cramped allot on the second lap.  Thought for a bit I may have to stop and massage it but it quieted down on the third lap...I can usually run through it.  

 My official time was 2:16:41 good for 34th out of 46 participants.   7K splits were 


Friday, August 9, 2024

That a wrap on this weird week!

 One more 3K walk on  my meal break.    Got some medical help ,  now on antibiotics.    Came down with a fever again this eve!   Hope to be feeling better by the start of Endur Sunday. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Eve walk!

 3K again ,  not feeling up to it.   I am fevered and going to see a doctor tomorrow.  

Backyard Trail

 Just a lazy little 4K on the backyard trail before work today ... Dax was along. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Not feeling great!

 3K walk again ,  feel like I am a bit fevered the body is hard at work fighting off infection after Sundays tumble.  Wound doesn't look too bad.   After 3 days of holding it together with Band-Aids I took them off after my shower.  Nonetheless if I am still not feeling it tomorrow I will seek medical attention.     

3K walk logged again this evening. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 3 k walk again ...just tired! 

Monday, August 5, 2024


Eves again this week.  Started with a 3k walk ,  keeping the right elbow as quiet as I can. 


 Saturday - 4.8K on the backyard trail late on a very warm August afternoon.   Hammock session afterwards. 

Sunday - BV 21 steamy Ks in the afternoon...kit was nice.  Had a good wipeout 2K to go.  There was blood ,  not gushing so I just let it coagulate.  There is a deep gash in my right elbow it may need some medical attention if its still bleeding tomorrow. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

License to walk

 3K walks this eve,  going long tomorrow

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Didn't get a break last eve ... one of those rare night on the job!  Nonetheless I doubled up my break tonight and logged an 11K at a mostly 6:00 pace.  HR at 10K was 133 ,  encouraging!