Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Stride Inside - Jan. 4, 2020

First and only run of the new decade was done on Saturday logging 45.5 km on the track at the Royal Distributing Athletic center.  It  was a bit of a weird day,  nothing bad but really nothing good either.  The effort was more or less the same throughout the event struggling through the first 3 hours to find a comfortable pace settling down in the second half.    The heart rate data really tells the story here ...

Logged a total of 116 laps ,  was going for 133 laps or 50 km but fell short.

Early Splits

Lap 1 - 00:01:37
Lap 2 - 00:01:34
Lap 3 - 00:01:33

Late Splits 
Lap 213 - 00:01:37
Lap 214 - 00:01:37
Lap 215 - 00:01:30

So thats the way the day went,  I was reeling in the HR in the second half.   really didn't have much more in the tank that day but I gave it a good solid consistent effort so I am pleased with that.  
I am use to 6 laps = 1 km at the Y ,  here it was 5 laps = 1+ km.  The timing wasn't done all that well.  There was a monitor that displayed your lap #  but it wasn't working or your name scrolled off before you were close enough to read  it.   I found the temps to be a wee bit on the warm side too.  Drank 2.5 l of water ,  4 S caps and 5 gels.   Didn't divide it up very well loading it more on the second half.  Overall I was a wee bit dehydrated and I had numbness in the finger tips so the electrolytes were out of wack.    
So yeah,  could have managed it better.   It wasn't a train wreck but not the kind of day I was expecting but I am happy to get in my first mini Ultra of 2020.   

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