Monday, January 18, 2021

The weekend + today

 Friday - reset day...had a great week of two run day and a fantastic combo of trail and road,  It was good increasing the volume and mixing it up. 

Saturday - started with a 6 lap trail run after getting my day started good for 5.6 km.  I didn't feel like running so it was a power hike.   After the run I headed out with the dog and granddaughter doing a loop + too and from trail head good for another 1.6km.  Repeated this one more time after dark putting headlights on good for another 1.6 km.  \]

Sunday - This was a 12 lap day + a bonus 2 laps with my sons family after dark.    First 6 laps were done with Dax the Australian Sheppard pup (  10 months ).   This was my first time running with him and the longest run I have ever done with a dog logging 5.6 km.   Repeated the 6 loops again after lunch good for another 5.6 km.  Final effort of the day was a loop with my sons family good for another 1.6 km.

Monday - 6 laps running with the pup again good for 5.6 km.   

Working mids this coming week so it will be mostly road around Allan Park plus a but of backyard trail. 

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