Sunday, May 24, 2020

Weekend Running - Breaking the Mold

I am not a morning runner other then race days.  I love mornings but prefer to start them in the hot tub with a pot of coffee.   That being said this weekend was different getting out both days before starting work at  8 am. 

Saturday it was out the door at 6 am for 6 loops.  The most striking moment came climbing out from the house smelling the spring air.  The fresh spring scent in the forest brought back memories of the start of many a trail race.  Next up was the Sunrise ,  I am never back there at that time of day and it was spectacular!    Did 6 laps good for 5.6 km

Sunday it was even earlier ,  up at 4:30 30 min before the alarm then out the door by 5:30 running for a couple of hours a total of 15 laps good for 12.8 km. 

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