Run 250.7km
YTP 677.8km
One race , 8mile "Refrigee-Eigher" ... OK race with encouraging results.
Funny month, 50K short of my goal however it was all about adding a some speed again and that I have accomplished At the start of the month I ramped up from a lumbering 6:00 pace to what I actually consider "Running" a 5:00 pace. Another big step going forward is Farlteks for the past few weeks. I have never done Farlteks on a regular basis but anyone that has ever made them part of their running routine will tell you its the nest thing they have ever done to increase speed. In the past I have done some 5Ks at a 4:00 pace ...brutal on the joints. I see no benefit running like that any more. I don't see much of a requirement to hold a 4:30 pace any longer then 45 minutes. I would like to do another 42.2 at a 5:00 pace and it really seems doable. One thing about Farleks is that it gives me another gear, falling back to a recovery 5:00 pace is allot differnt then receoveing at a 7:00 pace. Recovery happens it just takes a little longer. So now into mid May its shorter faster with some 10K, 21.1K and 30K races upcoming. Past mid may I ramp up my distance and slow down the speeds leading up to my 100 Milers in August and September. I have planned a season where the race is the training for the next race...makes it easy to get it done.
Last year at this time I was dealing with allot of Groin Pain that stuck with me through the Summer last year. I am pleased to report that its 100% gone. As a matter of fact all the running bits are more or less cooperating. My right foot settled down but has started to act up a bit. Running with the toes curled is a defensive position that works. I am also avoiding sock feat wearing shoes around the house! Left Knee on the odd occasion will say "Hey".... this one goes back to the spring of 2010. Its not a problem but its something that I need to be aware of. Bad form can bring on the fault , so can running on hard surfaces ... bring on the trail! Weighed in tonight and I am tipping the scales at 178 lbs , kind of typical for this time of year.
Blue Day 3
Fresh snow and sun brought allot of folks to the hill today. It was busy
so I didn't get a whole lotta runs in.
1 week ago