November - 294.6 km
YTD - 3112.0 km
November breakdown...
Ran 25 out of 30 days this month.
No Races
Treadmill at work , 15 Runs = 122 km... all at a 5:27 pace
Punta Cana DR, 6 Runs = 87 km ... all above 25C
Track at the Y 2 Runs = 65 km ....thats 390 laps on the indoor track.
Road/Tractor Trail 2 Runs = 20.6 km .. . 10.3 km in shorts @ 13 C
Here are my November totals for the past 5 years...
2013 - 295.4 km
2012 - 278.0 km
2011 - 290.8 km
2010 - 182.1 km BQed Sept 2010 @ STWM ..must have been resting on my laurels LOL!
2009 - 270.1 km
Blue Day 3
Fresh snow and sun brought allot of folks to the hill today. It was busy
so I didn't get a whole lotta runs in.
1 week ago