Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Back on track...

Back to feeling 100%+ after last weeks flu bug. Did a 10K on the treadmill Sunday in 52:00 , felt a little tentative but I made it ! Today I did my 16K road/trail run , new PB at 1:26:53 , it felt great.
Temperature was a comfortable 16C, sky was overcast and there was about a 10Kmh swilling breeze.
Found myself watching my breathing to ensure it was deep, was conscious of the stomach movement. Heat wasn't an issue, fell behind on o2 on the uphills but recovered on the down. Had a little cramping in the right thigh , nothing major. Didn't bother with the gel this time , last time I did I spent 20 minutes trying to catch my breath after choking! Didn't miss it and ended up with my fastest time yet on this run. An hour or so before I went out I had a large Orange Juice , 2 Coffees and 2 Cinnamon Buns with White Icing mm good!
Going to save the long run for the weekend !


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