Monday, September 30, 2019

September Totals

September   -     117 km
YTD            -  2,006 km

No races was a DNS at the Tobermorry race due to my crushed year.    Was off my feet completely for 7 days and then slowly returned to running in a modified open toe shoe.  No problem putting pressure down just cant handle any pressure from above. 


19 X Treadmill 73 km
4 X Beach 20 km
5 X Trail 24 km.
9 X Rest Days 

Normal lunch run!

5K @ 6:00 pace this evening on my meal break.   It was almost a normal run with the exception of the open  toed shoe!    Hop to be able to wear normal shoes by the end of the week. 

Trail Weekend

More backyard trail with the open toe box on Saturday 4.8 km and Sunday 10.4 km. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Trail Friday and Saturday

4 loops,  4.0 km yesterday eve and 6 loops,  5.6 km done today on the backyard trail.   

Friday, September 27, 2019

Little Trail

Survived yesterdays treadmill run so after work I hit the backyard trail for 3 loops logging 3.2 km.   It was 100% A OK so I am I can start building a bit of volume again.   Still running in my modified shoe and may be for some time.   I still cant put much in the way of pressure on the toe but its coming along maybe ,  just maybe by next week I might be able to get into a normal shoe.

This morning....

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Easing back into it!

 #1 GOAL ,  do not open the wound! 

3 km logged on the treadmill at lunch ,   1 km walk ,  1.5 km run @ 7:30 pace then a 0.5 km walk. 

It was easier to run then walk ,  smoothed out a bit.   There was a bit of discomfort easily managed.   The truth will be told a bit later...if good I may log a few Ks on the backyard trail after work.

Two casualties as a result of not running and walking in a gaurded way.  The calves are sore and my weight is up 179 lb. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lunch Walk

1 km walking in my modified shoes today.  If I feel good later I may try a little trail running. 

Out of Service

I haven't been running for  almost a week now and it sucks.  This is only the third time since I started running in 2003 that I have been forced off my feet for a week or more.   Last Thursday in bare feet I dropped a rather large ,  heavy log on my left little toe.   It took two days to stop the bleeding!    I have more or less kept off my feet since the weekend had to skip the Tobermorry Trail Marathon Saturday...there was now way ,  absolutely no way.  My objective is to heal as quickly as possible with the next 50Ker being " The Bad Thing" in 18 days. 







Modified a shoe

Its still very painful to put pressure on the nail ,  OK standing on it.   Hope to do some easy trail stuff in the modified shoe in the next day or two....hop I haven't lost too much fitness . 

Tues / Wed last week

2 5Kers on teh beach at Sauble.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday BAM

You know you have been busy when you have to go to work to get a run in!   10 km logged on my meal break today! 

This Week

Not much running this week skipped a " long one".  Figured I could get away with it running the Tobermorry 42.2 in a week with Patrick who is most certainly under trained.   The Tub race should be a good set up for my 3 fall 50 Kers.

Monday - 4 km on the backyard trail followed by a hammock session.

Tuesday - No running but did 10 hill repeats hauling blocked Ash off the hill.

Wednesday / Thursday  -  16 hours on a ladder and one 5 km run on the beach.

Friday - A true rest day complete with an afternoon sleep 3+ hours...when not working mids its very odd to sleep in the afternoon but the rest of the week really tuckered me out.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mid 2

Same as mid 1 5 km done on my meal break this morning.   It was hard to get going but as is per normal it kicked in and was enjoyable. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mid 1

Skipped the last set of mids ,  this time not so lucky.

Logged a 5 km run @ 6:00 pace just after 1 am this morning. 

Weigh in 177 lbs ... back to my late winter weight! 

August 2019 Totals

August -  264.7 km
YTD - 1889.0 km

There was one event with 7 races ,  Endur.  Slightly faster then last year but slower then the first year I did it. 


Beach 4X 31.2 km
Treadmill 8X 45.0 km
Trail 6X 84.1 km
Road 4X 79.4 km
Track 1X 10 km
Rest Days X 9

Vacation Running

No posting last week ,  too busy being on Vacation.

Tuesday -  10.1 km on the beach at Sauble.

Wednesday - 11.1 km on the beach at Sauble

Thursday - Rest Day

Friday - Two runs on the Bruce Trail south of Wiarton.    Run 1 ,  9.5 km looping a side trail at Bruce Caves.  Run 2,  10.0 km out and back at Skinners Bluff. 

Saturday, Sunday and Monday ... all rest days!