Monday, April 21, 2014


 Been working on  my "Ultra Fuel Belt" as of late!  Lots of Beer and Sugary Candy as well as Overeating to the nth degree...isn't being an Ultra Runner GLORIOUS!   Tipped the scales at the high end of my weight range at 178.4 Lbs.  

Sat on my Ass all day watching the Boston Marathon.  I cant recall the last time I was glued to something like that for nearly 5.5 hours!   It was strange coming to work this eve after my binge watching!   Even had trouble sleeping last night thinking about Boston today ... Carrier clued me into that tidbit.

So up oh so early for no reason ,  4:45 am ... a day wasted ,  sort of and then an Eve of work ..... thank goodness for my little 5ker on my meal break... it was like a reboot and now I feel normal.    Only 2 more hours of today event to watch...YIKES!

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