Got a long one in for my last run in March, 30K done on the road at a 5:33 pace. The weather was OK, Sun , temps started around 5C but there was a gusty S SE wind that played havoc with me. Lost the shell at 3K , was quickly starting to over heat running into the sun! Tied it around my waist, going long you never know when you are going to need it! Did the "Grandpas Farm" run today, down the 2ND , across the Edges Rd across hwy 6 and on to the 2ND of Bentick towards hwy 4 , pass Interforest through Durham and back up the 2ND of Glenelg. On the Edges Rd I noticed a shadow from a contrail on a flight from Europe to Chicago , the shadow line up perfectly with the flight path , it was like someone penciled it in the Sky!!!! Gelled at 9K , beans and Gatorade in between. Heading into Durham the wind was really strong , it was actually moving me around. When I got into town it was 16K in to the run , I had finished my Gator aide so I decided to stop at Macs and got some water. I was forcing myself to drink more , I dehydrated on the 30K treadmill run on Saturday. I hate stopping , even for a couple of minutes, you get so wet from sweat and it so cold for the first couple of Ks. Did another Gel at 17K , washed it down with water! When I turned North on the 2ND "Tuesday Afternoon" by the Moody Blues came on .... I got a good shot of the runners high , tingling from head to toe for about 30 seconds.... too bad it doesn't last longer.
I especially like the part.....
"I'm looking at myself, reflections of my mind. It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind. So gently swaying through the fairy-land of love"
and ...
Tuesday afternoon. I'm just beginning to see, Now I'm on my way. It doesn't matter to me, Chasing the clouds away. Something calls to me. The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why. Those gentle voices I hear Explain it all with a sigh.
Just too cool!
In spite of the extra Hydration and Carbs it just wasn't the day ! The last 10K were tough. I felt like I had enough Calories just not the giddy up and go! Stomach was a tiny bit crampy too. At 25K I tried some pretzels....UMM. After all the sweet the dry and salted hit the spot .... boy do you need water with those things.
Now , why was it slower.... 1) Adjusting my sleeping habits after mids last week 2) I did a 30K lsd just 60 hours earlier 3) The Wind 4) Just wasn't the day!
Rest day tomorrow , run again on Thursday , short and easy , Friday maybe mid distance and fast , will see!